April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month – #SAAM2022

As we do every year, RAPP will be participating in a number of campaigns throughout Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we look forward to working collaboratively with members of the Truman family.

April 22nd is Earth Day, and some may wonder what that even has to do with sexual violence. Unfortunately, a lot. As we discuss often, all oppression is connected, and the root is the patriarchy.

We also continue to highlight other intersections of oppression, including Fatphobia and teen dating violence.

The theme for Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2022 is Building Safe Online Spaces Together.

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) commemorates the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month to highlight how to practice consent online and build respectful online communities. The internet has become the new public square where we connect with romantic partners, friends, family, co-workers and even strangers, and this year’s campaign shares how each of us can build online spaces free of sexual harassment and abuse.

We can take part as individuals and collectively as part of the Truman community to commemorate SAAM and show support for survivors of sexual harassment and abuse by wearing teal — the color of sexual violence prevention — and posting a selfie to Twitter or Instagram using #SAAM2022. Wearing teal signals that you support survivors and are a safe person to talk to if they need to reach out.

Join us in NSVRC’s #30DaysofSAAM photo challenge, Follow @trumanRAPP to support our posts for the campaign. Tag us or show pictures if you’d like us to post them on your behalf.

We’re also coming off of International Anti-Street Harassment Awareness week earlier this month. Catcalls, sexist or sexual comments, homophobic and transphobic slurs, flashing, groping, stalking, and assault in public spaces. Gender-based street harassment is a global problem. It makes us feel less safe, it restricts where we go. And we hear from far too many young folk through classroom workshops that this is a sad reality. IT MUST END. We can keep each other safe, but we also need harassers to stop the behavior..

Join us as we bring attention to this problem & engage our communities in solutions. Look for ways to incorporate these conversations in your classes and student clubs, and within the athletics community.

And then we have Denim Day! Denim Day 2022 is Wednesday, April 27th. We will hold our Wear Denim Wednesday throughout the Truman campus. Please join us in amplifying the message that there is never an invitation to, nor an excuse for sexual violence.

Inspired by an Italian Court’s decision to overturn a rape conviction due to the victim wearing tight jeans – reasoning she must have helped her attacker remove them, thereby implying consent – Denim Day continues to inspire and connect millions all over the world. This year is our 22nd year, and the original message remains crucially relevant.

Denim Day is an opportunity to come together in solidarity, support survivors, challenge harmful attitudes surrounding sexual violence, and disrupt rape culture.

Join us in gearing up for this powerful movement!

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